Dallas—Pinnacle Flooring is driving innovation with new products, a fully reinvented brand, and a new message.
“If anything good came out of the economic recession, it’s that it challenged us to take a hard look in the mirror,” said Brenda Cashion, vice president, marketing and operations. “We used this time to redefine our purpose. Ultimately, we realized that it was limiting to define us as simply a national floor covering brand. Pinnacle started, grew, and prospered through a commitment to innovation. To reach our potential in an incredibly dynamic economic landscape we must innovate in all phases of our business.”
The creative portion of the project was launched in the fourth quarter of 2012 and included valuable input from Pinnacle’s distributor, dealer, vendor and design community partners, “We shared concept ideas to get input on the new look,” Cashion said. “When the design concept was finalized, it established a stylish new look that also featured a new tag line that summarized the company’s operating philosophy: ‘Design. Style. Innovation.’”
Over the past several months, the new “look” has been translated into a new logo, updated website and revamped display and sampling system.
The most recent focus has been Pinnacle’s web presence. “We needed to upgrade the function and content of our site,” Cashion noted. An extensive list of improvements was targeted that included faster and easier navigation, more detailed and understandable product information, and an easy access dealer locator service that highlights Pinnacle’s premier Innovation dealer accounts. “Developing our presence in all facets of social media is a major focus right now. Our objective is to be accessible to our customers whenever they want us and in any way they need us. Facebook and Twitter are just the tip of the iceberg.”
Changes are also in the works with a new merchandising strategy and vision. Display signage, samples, and literature updates to reflect the new look and new product introductions will be introduced throughout the first quarter of 2014. “It’s easy for consumers to get lost in the sea of options online, through traditional floor covering dealer channels, and in the big boxes,” Cashion continued. “Clear product positioning and messaging are integral facets of our focus.”
Like most who survived the recession, Pinnacle has come out the other side much stronger. “We have a clearer sense of identity, a clearer sense of purpose and an understanding that good isn’t enough,” she concluded. “We are confident that our innovative new products and image are on target. We know that the world moves quickly and agility and flexibility will serve us well as we move forward. It is an exciting time at Pinnacle Flooring. We are confident there are great opportunities ahead and we fully intend on continuing to overwhelm our customers with innovative products and over-the-top customer service.”