Calhoun, Ga.—In 2023, Mohawk will continue to fortify its distinguishable UltraWood line with a refined focus on performance and design along with advancing its sustainability story—a precedent set in 2022 in the residential wood segment.
Hybrid in performance and beauty
“As the ultimate performance hardwood, UltraWood is the perfect bridge between the performance and durability of RevWood and the beauty of TecWood,” said Seth Arnold, Mohawk’s vice president of marketing, hard surface. “It has established itself as a hybrid to serve the consumer that wants both attributes, which gives our retail partners an opportunity to give more choices to their shoppers.”
Domestically produced at the company’s Danville facility in Virginia, the line offers the latest technological innovations. UltraWood features Mohawk’s patented WetProtect technology, a lifetime surface and subfloor waterproof warranty, as well as EasyClean technology, Mohawk’s enhanced lacquer resistance against stains and soil buildup. UltraWood also provides Mohawk’s Everlast hardwood protection system, guarding the hardwood veneer against scratches, wear and dents. With Everlast, floors benefit from 4x greater scratch protection, 2x stronger wear protection and 5x greater dent protection. In 2022, UltraWood was enhanced with CleanProtect—featuring antimicrobial properties built in to protect the floor.
“UltraWood’s 28 styles offer the best of both worlds,” explained David Moore, Mohawk’s senior product director, wood. “From an oak perspective, the line focuses on super clean finishes without knots. From a maple side, we have super rustic styles with character marks and depths of color. It is all about providing a range of visualization for the consumer.”
Naturally sustainable
In addition to performance and beauty, UltraWood offers a sustainable alternative to traditional hardwood.
“UltraWood is one of those rare products where its sustainable attributes actually improve its performance,” Moore said. “UltraWood’s recycled platform opens new opportunities to create and enhance product circularity.”
To illustrate this story, Mohawk created an infographic in 2022 for retailers to use when selling UltraWood. The infographic, located on, includes the following information:
As trees grow, they sequester carbon. When the tree is turned into UltraWood, the carbon stays locked away in the finished materials. Therefore, UltraWood removes carbon from the air and stores it in a beautiful long-lasting floor. Since natural wood is the primary raw material used in UltraWood, the floors are 100% renewable.
10x more flooring
The UltraWood manufacturing process delivers 10x more natural hardwood per log when compared to traditional hardwood flooring production. For instance, in a 2,500-square-foot home, it only takes 2.5 logs to floor the entire space with UltraWood compared to 25 logs to floor the entire space with traditional wood.
90% recycled wood
Ninety percent of the wood used to create the impact resistant boards of UltraWood is recycled from post-industrial wood. In fact, every year Mohawk converts half a million tons of industrial wood waste into impact resistant boards with 5x greater dent protection for UltraWood hardwood floors.
Mohawk will provide first-class marketing support for UltraWood in 2023 through retailer advertising options. Additionally, UltraWood will be included in the Mohawk national sale.
The UltraWood line will coordinate with Performance Accessories products to offer innovative, multifunctional transitions that are color-coordinated for retailers to sell a complete flooring package in one purchase.