Dalton–In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the World Floor Covering Association (WFCA) has launched the Coronavirus Resource Center—a central hub of up-to-date information from its lobbying partners, Lobbyit, and legal counsel, Jeff King, as well as additional resources on the evolving impacts of current legislation on the flooring industry and its members’ businesses.
“As the coronavirus presents unprecedented challenges for our industry and our country, it’s vitally important that we all work together,” said Scott Humphrey, WFCA CEO. “The WFCA is committed to doing everything we can to keep our members abreast of every change in an ever-changing situation. We have gathered valuable resources that we want to share not only with our members, but with the entire flooring industry and anyone whose business operations could benefit from such guidance in these turbulent times. The WFCA will continue to monitor the situation and update the webpage whenever new information becomes available.”
The Coronavirus Resource Center provides a hub of specialized materials that will be continuously updated to support and assist small business owners as the situation evolves.
Resources include:
- The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act
- Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA)
- State by State Resource Links
- Fraud During the Coronavirus
- “Shelter-in-Place” Orders: What Do They Require?
- Business Interruption Insurance and Coronavirus
- Small Business Emergency Loans
- Cash Flow Relief in Coronavirus Response Act
- FAQs for COVID-19 Insurance Coverage
- U.S. Department of Labor News Releases
- Q&As about Coronavirus and Legislation
In addition, the COVID-19 Resource Page includes links to upcoming webinars with WFCA’s CEO, CFO and legal counsel, Jeff King, on Wednesday, April 1, at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. EST.