Dallas — Quick-Step recently treated interior designers and other guests to an evening hosted by celebrities from NBC’s hit design reality show “American Dream Builders.” The show’s celebrity contestants Erinn Valencich, Dann Foley and Vanessa Deleon mixed and mingled with guests and also provided attendees with behind the scenes commentary from the show.
The event took place during the High Point Furniture Market, attended annually by key players in the home and shelter industry as well as a many of the nation’s leading interior designers, according to the company.
“We were thrilled to be able to share such an exciting experience with our guests. Many of our guests were interior designers and they really enjoyed getting to meet these celebrity designers,” said Paij Thorn-Brooks, vice president of brand marketing for Unilin, Quick-Step’s parent company.
“During our viewing party, guests watched that evening’s American Dream Builders episode, sitting alongside the three celebrity designer contestants from the show,” Thorn-Brooks said. “The party was abuzz with fun and lots of laughter during commercial breaks when Erinn, Dann and Vanessa started to really dish on the funny behind-the-scenes personal stories they have from the show. Not many people get a peek behind the Hollywood curtain like that.”
“Although we lived through the show’s taping, the three of us had never seen any footage from the show until we watched it live with the guests during the party,” said Erinn Valencich, celebrity designer, contestant on NBC’s American Dream Builders, and Quick-Step designer partner. “The guests saw our genuine reactions as we watched the show for the first time.”