Week one of NeoCon’s new virtual hub, NeoConnect—a series of online resources, programming and events hosted on neocon.com and designed to virtually connect the NeoCon community—has commenced.
NeoConnect’s virtual programs for week one are as follows:
Designing for Purpose
What: Contract Magazine’s Paul Makovsky speaks with Studio O+A’s Primo Orpilla and KI’s Jonathan Webb about designing workplaces that allow individuals to be truly happy, have purpose and still be productive.
When: Monday June 1, 10–11 a.m. CDT
Wisdumb: How Embedded Stupidity is Destroying Your Business
What: Learn how to identify top obstacles to growth and change and develop a plan forward to innovate and transform your projects and business.
When: Tuesday, June 2, 10–11 a.m. CDT
Surface Materials Influence on MRSA Contamination
What: This session reveals a health danger in materials that designers should fully understand, and offers a review of surfaces used in healthcare and other institutional indoor environments that may have advantages in minimizing risk of Hospital Acquired Infections.
When, Wednesday, June 3, 10–11 a.m. CDT
Creating a Strategy for a Cohesive Future: At the Intersection of Real Estate and Design
What: A case study of a corporation seeking to not only gain efficiency in real estate, but also to create better alignment between business, people and workplace design.
Thursday, June 4, 10–11 a.m. CDT
AIA Chicago Small Project Awards // Large Virtual Party
What: Celebrate the winners of the 2020 Small Project Awards and the program’s first ten amazing years.
Thursday, June 4, 5:30–7 p.m. CDT
The 21st Century Classroom: A Case Study in Collaboration
What: A holistic approach to integrating architecture, interior design, sustainability, technology and furniture led to a new academic environment.
When: Friday, June 5, 10–11 a.m. CDT