Norwalk, Conn.—Aspecta by Metroflor is gathering significant momentum around the world following a number of successful international trade shows and an ongoing program of business development.
Aspecta has 13 distributors in North America with partnership deals also signed in South Africa and Brazil. Aspecta ERME (Europe, Russia and the Middle East) was launched at Domotex Hannover in January. Under the leadership of Marcel Kies, Aspecta ERME is now in the process of confirming commercial agreements in 14 territories set to go live by June including Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Turkey and Belgium. Formal launches have already taken place in Sweden at the Stockholm Furniture and Lighting Show, in Spain at Maderalia and in London at Retail Design Expo.
Ken Knight has been appointed as managing director with the role of launching Aspecta in Australia, New Zealand and Southeast Asia.
Reflecting the international nature of its reach, Aspecta’s website is now available in Spanish, German, French, Italian, Swedish, Dutch and English.
“I am delighted with the progress we are making domestically and internationally and to that end, following the fantastic reception given to Aspecta Five, we are now looking to develop our second product range in time for previews to be given at NeoCon,” said Harlan Stone, chairman of the Aspecta brand.