The FCNews Award of Excellence contest, now in its 22nd year, has become the premier manufacturer recognition program in the floor covering industry. Why? Because they are voted on by customers whose only motivation is to recognize those who perform flawlessly in every aspect of their business.
Co-sponsored by Informa, the owners of The International Surface Event, the Award of Excellence is a way for manufacturers’ customers to honor the companies they feel consistently provide the best design, service, value, performance, quality, professionalism of salesforce, management responsiveness, customer service, handling of claims, B2B and ease of doing business. In other words, which manufacturers they believe best help them in running successful, profitable business operations.
As the years have evolved, so, too, has the Award of Excellence. The Commercial Carpet category—which was added last year—returns to the ballot this year. This allows those manufacturers that focus on the contract side of the business or provide flooring retailers with solid Main Street solutions the opportunity to shine.
“The manufacturers covet these awards,” said Steven Feldman, FCNews publisher and editorial director. “We encourage all dealers to vote because the more ballots cast, the more significant the awards become. And that makes all manufacturers strive to improve the value they provide.”
Voting officially opens later this month and runs through March 31. Look for instructions on how to vote on our website (, Facebook page (Floor Covering News), Twitter (@fcnewsnet) and Instagram (fcnewsmagazine) in the coming weeks.