Dallas – As the grand-prize winners of Daltile’s Dealer Giveaway, the Foleys from Concept Flooring in Murfreesboro, Tenn., are driving away in a brand new 2013 Camaro 2LS. In addition to the grand-prize winners, five first-prize winners received a $1,000 Quantum Rewards prepaid MasterCard and 10 second-prize winners received a $500 Quantum Rewards prepaid MasterCard.
Throughout the promotion period (Sept. 2 to Dec.31, 2012), eligible dealers were asked to visit the Daltile promotion website to register for the Daltile Camaro Grand Prize Giveaway. For every 2,000 square feet of qualifying product shipped during the promotion, the dealer received an additional entry. Daltile products eligible in the promotion included: Alessi, Alta Vista, Castle deVerre, Ciara, Cliff Pointe, Continental Slate, Fantesca, Fidenza, Franciscan Slate, Mariela, Palatina, San Michele, Travata and Yacht Club.
Daily entries during the promotion averaged at over 1,200 square feet of qualifying Daltile product per day.
“We greatly appreciate each and every dealer we do business with,” said Lori Kirk- Rolley, senior marketing director of Dal-Tile Corporation. “We understand that their businesses depend on the quality and service we provide, and this giveaway allows us to give back and thank them for their support. We look forward to our continued partnerships.”
The Foleys were presented with the keys to their new 2013 Camaro 2LS at Surfaces 2013 in Las Vegas. Attendees watched the presentation at the Daltile booth on Wednesday, January 30, 2013.